Compressed Hours Collective Grievance Update 25.08.2023
Updated: Jun 26, 2024

Lloyds Banking Group has confirmed to Unite that they will not be issuing an outcome to the 3,649 colleagues who signed the Compressed Hours Collective Grievance.
LBG has indicated that it is unable to issue an outcome without detailed biographical colleague details; such as name, gender, parental status, caring responsibilities, disability and so on.
Unite informed LBG that this highly sensitive information was not needed in order for it to determine an outcome on the points of principle set out in the grievance. We made it clear that to require the disclosure of this information was extremely intrusive and that we would not be going back to colleagues to obtain this data.
One key concern that Unite highlighted was the need for crystal-clear reassurance from LBG to all colleagues who had signed the grievance, and those who were part of the initial pilot in People and Places (P&P) and Consumer Lending (CL), that any changes to their hours would only be made by mutual consent and that changes would not be forced on colleagues.
LBG’s steadfast refusal to issue this assurance is extremely disappointing and demonstrates a worrying lack of care for its staff. This simple reassurance would have provided peace of mind for thousands of hardworking and loyal LBG workers. Instead, they chose to further erode the bonds of trust that have already withered substantially as a result of this attack on flexible working.
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As a consequence of LBG’s pilot on compressed hours, YOU stood up and took decisive and BOLD action to counter the challenges that were faced in relation to your conditions.
The outpouring of collective solidarity by everyone impacted was inspiring. This collectivism is demonstrated in the following actions and achievements:-
Demonstrating outside the LBG AGM in Glasgow on18th May and putting questions to the Senior Management to hold them to account for their actions on flexible working (Watch here)
We launched a collective grievance calling for the compressed hours pilot to be scrapped and for assurances to be provided that colleagues’ flexible working would not be taken away from them.
3,649 LBG workers signed the grievance, making it the largest ever collective grievance within the finance sector demonstrating OUR collective strength and solidarity.
Due to the growing momentum and strength YOU built up on the back of the collective grievance, LBG realised it had no choice but to amend their management guidance to include the following in the wider rollout of the compressed hours pilot as part of Flexibility Works ‘Whilst we encourage, we will not be mandating that colleagues move from their legacy compressed working arrangement’ (Line Manager Activation Pack Guidance), thus providing an assurance to all LBG workers impacted that they can SAY NO to any changes to their working arrangements – this represents a very positive WIN!
We confirmed the reassurance we secured together in the communication we issued on 19th July. Since then, the accompanying video update has been viewed 4,400+ times (watch here)
Members, grievance signers and LBG workers standing in solidarity with those impacted have been sharing the video with fellow colleagues to raise awareness of the facts and we’ve received messages following this win that LBG workers now feel empowered to SAY NO!
Unite assisted a member impacted during the initial compressed hours pilot whilst the collective grievance was ongoing and we secured the following outcome which the member has agreed to share ‘the group is looking to gather information as part of the pilot and explore if any changes are possible by way of agreement. No changes will be enforced as part of pilot’, clearly confirming that changes to compressed hours arrangements can only be made by mutual consent. If you were told something different during this period and have amended your hours as a result, then please get in touch as a matter of urgency.
Unite want to make it clear to everyone who signed the collective grievance that no names were shared with LBG and you can rest assured that your confidential data was kept secure. If you wish to pursue an individual grievance at this stage, or in future then you retain the right to do so – Unite will provide support to members who wish to take this course of action.
Given LBG’s stance in relation to the collective grievance, we want to seek input from Unite members and colleagues who signed the grievance in relation to possible next steps. All signers will receive an SMS to a survey link to have their say. If you haven't received a copy of the link please email
NB - Unite wants to make it clear to those colleagues who have signed the collective grievance, but are not yet a member of Unite, that any next steps and movement can only be achieved if you are a Unite member and help build the strength and leverage needed to keep the momentum going. Change is not a spectator sport so get involved by joining up!
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