Changes To LBG Branch Structure And Working
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LBG have today announced to branch colleagues that they will be changing the way that our branch colleagues interact with customers. With more of a focus on digital-first interactions and creation of a Relationship Growth team, 2024 will see a fair amount of change for those working in the branch network.
Unite have reiterated to the bank our commitment that all of our members should have fulfilling jobs and have knowledge that their jobs are secure. Our branch colleagues take pride in the support that they give to some of the most vulnerable members of society and branches are an integral part of every community across the UK.
We believe that there should be a position for everyone in the bank following the restructure - no colleague should leave the bank against their will.
Digital services are great for some however, Unite has reiterated that there is still a need to have banking staff in the community and access to banking for members of the public who want and need it.
We also strive to ensure that our members are paid fairly for the role that they do. We will continue working on making sure that colleagues in branches are remunerated properly, when comparing the work that they do with their peers across the sector, specifically those undertaking formal or informal bank manager responsibilities.
One complaint that we have received for a long time now is the limited routes for progression within the branch network, and of colleagues’ pay stifling at the top of their pay ranges with narrow opportunities to move up the grades. This part of the news today will be welcome to those seeking promotion, with announcements of opportunities being created at various grades.
Impact and next steps
As a result of the business’s tech transformation agenda, we are now seeing the impacts of this. Around 770 jobs could be lost as a result of these changes, and Unite feel there could be more in the future. Trying to manage this via voluntary redundancy registers isn’t sustainable.
This is why Unite are campaigning for a Technology agreement to protect jobs. The practical solutions to job losses need to be in place before they manifest, and we need you to tell us what you want these solutions to be. The link to our survey is below, keep an eye on our social media for information.
For colleagues staying within the Network structure moving forwards, we have called on the bank to ensure that every colleague is given the adequate opportunity to become competent with the technology involved in the new way of working, and that any colleagues feeling uncomfortable should be given support to ensure that they can succeed.
For those moving to a relationship growth role, you should be given the environment to thrive in this role, with clear performance and development goals.
For any colleagues who are not selected for a role and who are at risk of redundancy, you should have a clear understanding of the reasons behind this and can challenge this. During this time there should be meaningful attempts from you and management to attempt to find you another role if you wish to stay. For anyone who needs support through this time please get in touch with your Unite team using the below contact methods.
Change looks like it’s going to be inevitable this year for most Community bank colleagues. Change, when managed properly, should be a good thing for colleagues, customers and the bank.
Unite are keen to hear your feedback on how this change is going, or any other concerns or feedback you may have about the network. Let us know how you’re getting on by filling in the form at
Have your say on what protections should be put in place when technological changes mean that roles no longer exist – complete our survey today at
Unite are also keen to increase our representative structure within Community Bank – to discuss becoming a workplace representative email