The Employer agrees to work actively to use New Technology for the benefit of all within the organisation, including its workers whether directly or indirectly employed.
To this end the Employer and the Union agree to apply the following principles;
• The introduction and control of New Technology on the shop floor will only be made with agreement of the Employer and the Union on behalf of its affected members.
• The Employer will reinvest cost savings from any introduction of New Technology into areas that promote and provide more and better jobs within the organisation.
• New skills or responsibilities will be recognised through negotiated pay increases.
To this end it is agreed that New Technology will only be introduced if:
1. The overall number of jobs are protected.
2. It does not benefit one group of workers at the expense of another.
3. Workers are ensured proper training.
4. Workers are compensated for new skills.
5. It doesn’t include monitoring and/or surveillance functions without agreement.
6. There are clear and fair rules on any personal use.
7. There are no negative health and safety issues.
8. It will be introduced in a fair and equal manner.
It is further agreed that wherever relevant New Technology will be used to:
• Reduce working time, not pay; and
• Create new jobs.